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Joyful Journey to Health – Clean Eating, Healthy Snacks 2-1-16


This might apply to you, or it might not.  I shared it on a different page & received positive responses. In the past I found this true for myself, but not lately.

“Some people feel safer with extra weight on their body. It’s as if the body actually uses weight as a buffer from the world. I was in that situation and I knew I had to address the emotional issues that were making my body feel unsafe.  I started doing visualization practices that helped to resolve past traumas and to get my body to feel safer in letting go of the weight.  Over the years I’ve found that 65-70% of the clients I work with are using weight as a form of protection. I call this “emotional obesity”. When you work through the issues that are causing emotional obesity and break the association that fat equals safe, the body is much more willing to let go of the weight. After I broke this association and the weight no longer served its purpose – that is, the armor of fat no longer made me feel any safer – the weight all but went away.” Jon Gabriel

I have a visualization page on Pinterest that I visit daily that has goal photos & plans.  I visit it daily for inspiration, motivation & encouragement.  https://www.pinterest.com/carolyninjoy/vision-board/

Here is a Guide to Seeds that helped me.  Today’s photos are mostly about healthy snacks.

Guide to Seeds for Joyful Journey to Health 2-1-16

Guide to Seeds from the Fork & Beans

“Supposedly, the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incans used chia as a staple of their diet and as an energy food. Chia means ‘strength’ in the Mayan language, and they were known as the “Indian Running Food” because runners and warriors would use them for sustenance while running long distances or during battle.”-http://wellnessmama.com/4981/uses-for-chia-seeds/

Picture of grape and cheese sticks: 1 ounce cheddar cheese with 6 grapes: 7.1 grams protein.

grape and cheese sticks

Grape & cheese stick snack.

50 Clean Eating Snacks.

50 Clean Eating Snacks

50 Clean Eating Snacks.

Roasted chickpeas: 3/4 cup chickpeas roasted for 20 to 30 minutes with 1 tablespoon each olive oil, salt, and cayenne pepper: 9 grams protein

Pumpkin seeds, as well as flaxseed and sunflower seeds, contain magnesium, which is known to alleviate depression, fatigue and irritability, all side effects of stress

Pumpkin seeds, as well as flaxseed and sunflower seeds, contain magnesium, which is known to alleviate depression, fatigue and irritability, all side effects of stress.

“A January 2008 article in The New York Times, “A Clutter Too Deep for Mere Bins and Shelves,” quotes Lynne Johnson, president of the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization, who says, “I think someone decides, ‘I’m not going to live my life like this anymore. I’m not going to hold onto my stuff, I’m not going to hold onto my weight.’” Kick Clutter.

Get Rid Of Clutter And Lose Weight

Get Rid Of Clutter And Lose Weight.

Matcha Green Tea Antioxidant Levels

6.2 times that of Goji Berries
7 times that of Dark Chocolate
17 times that of Wild Blueberries
60.5 times that of Spinach

1. Cancer preventer
2. Anti-ager
3. Lowers LDL “Bad Cholestrol”
4. Weight Loss
5. Detoxifier
6. Mind Improver
7. Fiber
8. Energy

“Matcha green tea is available as a concentrated powder and can be found at health food stores. I recommend organic matcha, because it is produced without any artificial fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides.

Do not add matcha green tea powder to boiling water because it will taste “grassy.” Boil the water and let it sit for 5 minutes before adding the tea.

It might take some time to get used to matcha’s flavor.”

Wonders of Matcha Green Tea.


Matcha Green Tea.

Pistachios can also lower your blood pressure and heart rate.

Pistachios can also lower your blood pressure and heart rate.

Pistachios can also lower your blood pressure and heart rate.

Process Goals Work Better and Faster Than Outcome Goals: You have no control of the outcome (for example, lose 20 pounds).  However, you do have control of the process. Here’s a sample process goal outline:

Exercise 3 days a week
Have just 2 cheat meals a week
No snacking before dinner” Mikey Whitfield, CTT

I have adopted this method.  It is easy for me to keep my food log on my laptop.  It is easy to acknowledge when I take my prescriptions & vitamins.  I enjoyed it when Hubby hugged me & said: “You’re so much smaller. Wow!” I have control of the process. Yay!

I learned a couple of things about stickers on fruit.  When they have 4 numbers it means they were conventionally grown, 5 numbers starting with number 8 means they are genetically modified GMO, and 5 numbers starting with 9 means organically grown.

stickers on fruits and veggies tell you A LOT. 4 numbers mean they were conventionally grown, 5 numbers starting with number 8 means they are genetically modified GMO, and 5 numbers starting with 9 means organically grown

stickers on fruits and veggies tell you A LOT. 4 numbers mean they were conventionally grown, 5 numbers starting with number 8 means they are genetically modified GMO, and 5 numbers starting with 9 means organically grown. 

Cashews contain zinc, which could help in reducing your stress.

Cashews contain zinc, which could help in reducing your stress.

Sketchesinstillness.com Yogi Ant I have chosen to happy because it is good for my health. Voltaire

“I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health.” Voltaire

This blog is in response to:

Response to Silver Threading Mindful Monday Healthy Living 2-1-16

Author: carolyninjoy

I’m a happily married, retired mother of two adults & grandmother of four children. Adjusted at last to my move from WA state & all the green trees & abundant moisture to a different beauty of desert mountains in AZ. The winters in the Mojave Desert are bliss, the 127 degree summers are a test. It is a climate change for sure. I’ve learned to bloom where I’m planted. I must remember, plants have roots, people have legs & to use mine! I am an avid reader of almost all genres & usually have a baker’s dozen books being read at the same time. I craft greeting cards & enjoy sharing my creativity with family & friends. I also surf the internet looking for artists, photographs, quotes, etc. for my Joy is a Choice! Choose Joy Moment by Moment webpage. http://www.facebook.com/Joyisachoice I also make online jigsaw puzzles. http://www.facebook.com/Injoyspuzzlesforfun I'm a voracious reader & have started a book review page on facebook. I now have the freedom to read all night long, should I so choose & don't suffer the repercussions since I can nap the following day. It's the best time of my life. The link for InJoyful Book Reviews is: http://www.facebook.com/InJoyfulBookReviews

11 thoughts on “Joyful Journey to Health – Clean Eating, Healthy Snacks 2-1-16

  1. What a fabulous post! I had no idea about the stickers on fruit! Now you will have me really checking this out! You are truly amazing and I am so proud of your journey. I love your discussion of emotional obesity. I think you are spot on and I am glad that you are making the move to shed your old ways of thinking. I too, had to decide that I deserved to be healthy. Funny what we women think! Have a marvelous week. I know you will be amazing! ❤

  2. Reblogged this on Silver Threading and commented:
    Please take the time to read Carolyn’s amazing journey. There is information about fruit labeling here that you will want to know about. The section about “emotional obesity,” is eye-opening! ❤

  3. Thanks for sharing. A post packed full of goodness!

  4. Thanks for all the useful information. 🙂

  5. Thank you for sharing all of this helpful info. I added it to my Reader List for future reference

  6. Glad you found it helpful. I just enjoyed your blog. 🙂

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