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Just another day. November 8, 2014

Happy birthday, self.
Take note the passing moments.
Embrace the present.

Sixty six over,
A fresh year appears to me
Celebrate today.

Another year gone,
Time escapes so quickly
my birthdays speed by.

I still feel the same
only gravity reveals
another year passed.

Can I stitch wisely,
this tapestry I weave?
Future’s moments pend.

Each year is shorter
than the one that came before,
seventy beckons.

Injoy:) Carolyn

I love the following & HAD to reblog it for my own birthday today! Every word is perfectly placed.

“Week’s loose ends still frayed.
Will I choose to unravel,
Slip knots into ease?”



A challenging week.

Sunday’s Haiku

Challenges go on,
When will I get my laptop,
It is in the mail.

I’m having my patience tested. Not only am I waiting to get scheduled at the pain clinic to get the nerve root injection in my back, but I blew up one computer. Took it to the shop & they wanted $350 to repair it. **sigh** The fan was only working at 50% so it got too hot to touch. Sounds like a sentence from a heavy-duty romance novel.

I got online to select an inexpensive laptop from Walmart. It is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday. I’m waiting with baited breath. I don’t want to wish away time, but come on Tuesday.

At least my book reviews are being read. The second author contacted me with requests. I’m glad they are noticing.


Patience is not my strong suit. Patience, grasshopper. Huh!