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Found Late Blooming Daisies

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I like these photos.

Some Bad Plankton

Four Daisies on the Left daisies in September, i’ve never been happier

Daisies Blowing in the Wind reach for the sun little flowers

Plant of Daisies i don’t know what it is exactly, but man, do i love daisies

photo of yellow daisies i look at daisies and think, i could paint that

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Author: carolyninjoy

I’m a happily married, retired mother of two adults & grandmother of four children. Adjusted at last to my move from WA state & all the green trees & abundant moisture to a different beauty of desert mountains in AZ. The winters in the Mojave Desert are bliss, the 127 degree summers are a test. It is a climate change for sure. I’ve learned to bloom where I’m planted. I must remember, plants have roots, people have legs & to use mine! I am an avid reader of almost all genres & usually have a baker’s dozen books being read at the same time. I craft greeting cards & enjoy sharing my creativity with family & friends. I also surf the internet looking for artists, photographs, quotes, etc. for my Joy is a Choice! Choose Joy Moment by Moment webpage. http://www.facebook.com/Joyisachoice I also make online jigsaw puzzles. http://www.facebook.com/Injoyspuzzlesforfun I'm a voracious reader & have started a book review page on facebook. I now have the freedom to read all night long, should I so choose & don't suffer the repercussions since I can nap the following day. It's the best time of my life. The link for InJoyful Book Reviews is: http://www.facebook.com/InJoyfulBookReviews

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